About the project

The Best HR Practice Award is a recognition for the dedicated and planned work of companies and organizations, teams and individuals who are excellent in human resource management. These are projects that companies have implemented in their operations and thus increased the quality of work of their employees and business results.

The award has been given by the MojPosao portal since 2010, and the expert jury composed of human resources professionals has so far had the opportunity to evaluate over 318 submitted projects.

From 2022, the best HR practices will spread to the region, and companies from Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina can also apply. Thus, for the first time, they become the Best Regional HR Practices!

To ensure transparency, projects are evaluated according to pre-defined criteria.


The number of jury members is predetermined:

  1. representative of Alma Career Croatia
  2. external representative (Distinguished member of the HR community)
  3. external representative (Distinguished member of the HR community)
  4. external representative (Distinguished member of the HR community)
  5. AUDIENCE - from 2019 the fifth member of the jury (votes according to the same criteria that are adapted to the web application)

Projects are evaluated according to pre-defined criteria:

1. Ideja koja stoji iza prakse i mogućnost repliciranja

  • timeliness; the project is based on the objectives of the organization's strategy and / or the strategy of the human resources management function; proactivity versus reactivity
  • originality, innovation and creativity; the project was developed and implemented at the local level
  • mogućnost repliciranja – praksa se može vrlo jednostavno replicirati bez ikakvih ili uz minimalnu prilagodbu u većini organizacija (bez obzira na veličinu i industriju kompanije)

2. Implementacija prakse

  • razlozi za pokretanje projekta; strukturiran pristup razvoju procesa; uključenost zaposlenika i Uprave u dizajniranje procesa; ostvarljive i transparentne projektne aktivnosti i definiran budžet, resursi i rokovi; troškovna učinkovitost

3. Uspješnost projekta

  • realization of defined goals; regular monitoring of the implementation of objectives according to defined performance measures and specified targets; transparent communication of realized goals to employees; sustainability of project activities
  • comprehensiveness (number of employees involved)
  •  added value to the organization and contribution to business success
  •  dodatna vrijednost za zaposlenike; poticanje raznolikosti i inkluzije na radnom mjestu
  •  strengthening the importance of the human resources function in the organization


The three best-rated projects by the jury in the category of small and medium-sized companies, in the category of large companies and the 3 best rated in the category of 1000+ employees will get the opportunity to present themselves to the audience at the HR Days conference. After the presentation, the audience gives their ratings through the web application, which are added to the jury's ratings. The best regional HR practice in the category of small and medium-sized companies, large companies and the category of 1000+ employees for the year 2025 is declared on the basis of the overall evaluation.

All additional information can be obtained at the e-mail address hrprakse@hrdays.net or phone number 01 638 8267.

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