How does the audience vote?
In the selection of ‘Best Regional HR Practices 2022’ as part of the HR days conference on 21 and 22 September 2022 in Rovinj, in addition to the members of the expert jury, the audience also participates.
The votes of the audience are added up and they are the ‘fifth member of the jury’. Members of audience are all participants that have bought ticket for the conference and gave their vote to their favourite finalists.
Representatives of companies that are in the TOP 5 finalists and representative of the conference organizers are excluded from the voting.
Online voting
In the part of the conference program when voting for the Best Regional HR Practices starts, the audience enters their votes/ratings through the web application available on the page: voting.hrprakse.hr
Voting process:
- Before the presentation of the TOP 5 practices that, according to the expert jury, were selected in the finals of the jury, members of the audience receive brochures with a brief description of these practices.
- Each finalist has 10 minutes for presenting their own practice.
- In their brochures, the audience can record notes and ratings that will make it easier for them to evaluate projects through the web application.
- After the presentation, the audience has 10 minutes for voting.
- The sum of all audience ratings is divided by the number of voters from the audience to obtain a unique score for each project.
- The unique evaluation of the audience is added to the evaluations of the jury for each project and it is determined:
- 5th and 4th place
- 3rd Best regional HR practice of 2022
- 2nd Best regional HR practice of 2022
- 1st Best regional HR practice of 2022